A Drone Story

At Dynotag, our user community continues to excite us with stories of innovative uses.

Recently,  Tom F. of Naperville, Ill. was the hero of an unusual recovery mission.

While enjoying the beautiful outdoors, Tom noticed an odd object by the water. Getting closer, he realized it was a nice drone. It appeared to have crash landed but relatively intact.

Crash Landing Site

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a DJI Phantom Quadcopter – with camera and all intact.

Tom noticed an unusual sticker – a dynotag with a QR code, a web address and short but sweet instructions: “To CONTACT OWNER Scan QR Code or Visit Web Address

After a few emails back and forth, Tom was able to get the Drone back to David B. – the owner! Needless to say, David was happy with the recovery and commenced with repairs ASAP.   His preparation for the worst by applying dynotag tough sticker on the drone had paid off!

David, the rightful owner

Having done the good deed, Tom contacted us at dynotag and shared the unusual episode. He had not noticed the Good Samaritan Rewards program – but it was our privilege to inform him – and set him up with his own complimentary set of dynotags in appreciation of his good deed.

Kudos to David for being prepared! Without the dynotag sticker, that drone would likely have been lost forever. And of course, thank you, Tom and all the good samaritans out there for helping lost belongings return home.

We hear a lot of happy recovery stories this unusual one was worth noting… 🙂

Your friends at Dynotag

If you want to recover it, dynotag it!